Burlington Missionary Baptist Church

Bible Story Sharing Time: Kids: Grade 3 and under
儿童圣经故事分享: 三年级及以下儿童

Date/日期: September 13, 2020


Subject/标题: God Sends Food to Elijah 上帝提供食物给以利亚

Bible Verse/圣经经文: 1 Kings 17:1-6/列王纪上 17:1–6

Bible Truth/圣经信息: God cared for Elijah by giving him food.

Life Response Aim/ To thank God for giving us the food we need.
在我们生活中的实践: 感谢上帝提供给我们日用饮食.

Bible Verse/金句: “Cast all your anxiety to him because he cares for you.” – 1 Peter 5:7
“你们要将一切的忧虑卸给神,因为他顾念你们.” – 彼得前书5:7


Parents sing song with their children请家长和孩子们一起唱这首歌, 歌词如下:
God Will Take Care Of You

Be not dismayed whate’er betide
God will take care of you
Beneath his wings of love abide
God will take care of you [Refrain]

Through days of toil when heart does fail
God will take care of you
When dangers fierce your path assail
God will take care of you [Refrain]

No matter what may be the test
God will take care of you
Lean, weary one, upon his breast
God will take care of you [Refrain]

[Refrain] God will take care of you
Through ev'ry day
O’er all the way
He will take care of you
God will take care of you


Parents watch the video together with their kids请家长和孩子一起观看录像

We recommend parents ask and discuss with their kids on the following questions家长可以就下面的话题进行沟通,您也可以自己增减内容:

Who were the wicked king and queen of Israel in the story? What did they do wrong?

Who is a prophet of God in this story? What did he announce to the King?

When the Lord hid Elijah, how did God send him food?


Elijah was out in the wilderness, but God did not forget about him! Elijah had fresh water to drink from the brook, and ravens brought food to him! What an amazing way for God to provide for His faithful prophet. He would even perform miracles and command animals to meet Elijah’s needs. Elijah’s story helps us believe that God loves us and will always care for us, especially when we are feeling down and lonely. Work together with kids to build up a daily habit of counting blessing. It will help us to have deep faith in God’s love. 以利亚在旷野躲藏的时候,上帝没有忘记他。以利亚每天从小溪汲水喝,有乌鸦给他带来食物吃。 这些都是上帝的奇妙作为,上帝看顾他忠实的仆人, 赐给他日用饮食。 以利亚的故事让我们相信上帝爱我们,尤其在我们孤独难过的时候,上帝总是与我们同在看护我们安慰我们。家长和孩子们一起建立起每日数算主恩的好习惯。这样可以帮助我们更多明白上帝的作为,领受上帝的爱。


Parents and kids pray together on the areas each of them needs Jesus’ help家长和孩子可以就各自需要耶稣帮助的方面进行祷告。

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