Burlington Missionary Baptist Church

Bible Story Sharing Time: Kids: Grade 3 and under
儿童圣经故事分享: 三年级及以下儿童

Date/日期: July 12, 2020


Subject/标题: A Rich Man Shares His Food 一个富人分享食物

Scripture/圣经经文: Ruth/路得记 2:1-18

Bible Truth/圣经信息: Boaz shared his harvest with Ruth.

Life Response Aim/ To ask God for help to share with our friends and family
在我们生活中的实践: 求神帮助我们乐意与他人分享

Bible Verse/金句: “Beloved, lets us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.” 1 John 4:7 “亲爱的弟兄啊, 我们应当彼此相爱,因为爱是从神来的。凡有爱心的,都是由神而生,并且认识神。” – 约翰一书4:7


Parents sing song with their children请家长和孩子们一起唱 Love One Another

Love, love, love one another. And be kind, be kind to each other
Love, love, love one another. And be kind, be kind to each other

Jesus told us to love Him. And to love everyone
Jesus told us to love Him. And to love everyone
So let your light shine

Love, love, love one another. And be kind, be kind to each other
Love, love, love one another. And be kind, be kind to each other

Jesus told us to love Him. And to love everyone
Jesus told us to love Him. And to love everyone
So let your light shine

You can say hello. And shake a hand
Share your toys. And help a friend
All with a great big smile
And two thumbs up. When there’s a job to do
You can get it all done

Just remember to. Love, love, love one another
And be kind, to your sister and your brother
Love, love, love one another
And be kind, to your mother and your father
Love, love, love one another
And be kind, to your friends and your neighbor
Love, love, love one another
And be kind, be kind to each other


Parents watch the video together with their kids请家长和孩子一起观看 Boaz Notices Ruth 
And read scripture Ruth 2:1-18

We recommend parents ask and discuss with their kids on the following questions家长可以就下面的话题进行沟通,您也可以自己增减内容:

Who is Boaz? 波阿斯是谁?

What did Ruth do at Boaz’s field and why? 路得到波阿斯的地里做什么, 为什么?

What did Boaz say to Ruth? 波阿斯对路得说了什么?

What did Boaz told servants? 波阿斯告诉仆人怎么做?

Did Ruth have food after? 后来路得有食物了吗?


What can you share today with your parents or siblings? 


Heavenly Father, You heard what each of us wants to share. Help us to do that today. Amen. 

Care for Community/关心社区

Family join the event hosted by Burlington Food Bank -- Porch Pick up Every Friday/全家参加Burlington 食物银行的捐献活动—

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