Burlington Missionary Baptist Church

Bible Story Sharing Time: Kids: Grade 3 and under
儿童圣经故事分享: 三年级及以下儿童

Date/日期: July 5, 2020


Subject/标题: Isaac Shares the Water以撒与他人分享活水井

Bible Verse/圣经经文: Genesis /创世纪26:12-22

Bible Truth/圣经信息: Isaac refused to fight over water rights

Life Response Aim/ To ask God for help to share with others
在我们生活中的实践: 求神帮助我们乐意与他人分享

Bible Verse/金句: “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.” - 1 John 4:7

“亲爱的弟兄啊, 我们应当彼此相爱, 因为爱是从神来的. 凡有爱心的, 都是由神而生, 并且认识神.” - 约翰一书4:7


Parents sing song with their children请家长和孩子们一起唱这首歌, 歌词如下:
Love One Another
This is how the world will know, how the world will see
That we live what we believe
With everything we do, every word we speak
Let us live for this one thing

We will, we will, love one another, love one another
With a love like no other that we’ve found in YOU
Love one another, love one another, yeah love one another
That’s what we will do

There’s not a greater love than the one who came to give it all away
You lay down your life, give up everything
We will live to do the same
We will, we will, love one another, love one another
With a love like no other that we’ve found in YOU
Love one another, love one another, yeah love one another
That’s what we will do

We’re alive, we’re alive to love one another
We’re alive, we’re alive with love like no other
We’re alive, we’re alive, we’re sisters and brothers
We’re alive, we’re alive to love one another


Parents watch the video together with their kids请家长和孩子一起观看录像

We recommend parents ask and discuss with their kids on the following questions家长可以就下面的话题进行沟通,您也可以自己增减内容:

Why were the Philistines jealous of Isaac? 为什么非利士人嫉妒以撒?

What did the Philistines do to his wells? 出于嫉妒非利士人向以撒做了什么事?

What did Isaac do instead of fighting over the wells? 为了避免与他人争夺活水井,以撒做了什么事?

Why do you think Isaac chose not to fight? 以撒为什么不愿与人争夺?


In a world where water was not always easily accessible, Isaac gave up a precious resource, showing merciful love to others and trusting God for the outcome. What are some opportunities we have to show God's love to people around us? As we seek to follow God in every area of our life, ask God to give us new ways to show His merciful love. 以撒所处的时候汲水十分不便。 但是以撒怜恤他人,也信靠上帝会供应他的需用,就不与人争抢,放弃自己挖开的活水井。现今我们可以做哪些事来关心爱护我们的家人,朋友和邻舍呢? 让我们时常与神亲近,求神来帮助我们可以活出爱。


Parents and kids pray together on the areas each of them needs Jesus’ help家长和孩子可以就各自需要耶稣帮助的方面进行祷告。

Share God’s love/与他人分享神的爱

Church online VBS is scheduled to run from August 10 to August 14. Will you invite your friends and neighbours to join the event? So children will know God and experience His love. 
教会组织网上圣经夏令营(8/10--8/14). 你是否愿意邀请朋友/邻舍来参加呢? 让孩子们来认识神, 经历他的慈爱. 夏令营报名表 -- http://www.bmbcweb.com/2020/06/12/36062/

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