Burlington Missionary Baptist Church

Bible Story Sharing Time: Kids: Grade 3 and under
儿童圣经故事分享: 三年级及以下儿童

Date/日期: June 28, 2020


Subject/标题: The Boy Jesus Obeys

Bible Scripture/圣经经文: Luke 2:40-52/ 路加福音2:40-52

Bible Truth/圣经信息: The boy Jesus obeys Mary and Joseph

Life Response Aim/ To show love for God and our parents by obeying. 
在我们生活中的实践: 通过顺服来表示我们对天父和我们父母的爱。

Bible Verse/金句: Ephesians 6:1 以弗所书6:1 
“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.


Parents sing song with their children请家长们和孩子一起唱这首歌


⦁ Parents watch the video together with their kids请家长和孩子一起观看录像

⦁ We recommend parents ask and discuss with their kids on the following questions家长可以就下面的话题进行沟通,您也可以自己增减内容:

⦁ What was Jesus doing when his parents found him?

⦁ After Jesus left the temple with his parents, where did they go and what did Jesus do to his parents?

⦁ What’s Mary’s reaction to Jesus after this incident? 这件事发生后玛丽亚对耶稣的态度如何呢?


Provide one copy of Copymaster 4 to each child. Discuss the activities depicted on Copymaster 4—family Bible study and prayer time—and let the children color the pictures. Show them how to fold the picture to show the family either reading the Bible or praying. Talk about how important families are to God and the importance of obeying parents. Be sensitive to your children’s specific family situations and adjust your comments accordingly. Remind them that obeying is one way to demonstrate their love for God and their parents.
向每个孩子提供一份Copymaster 4的副本。 讨论Copymaster 4上描述的活动-家庭圣经学习和祷告时间-并让孩子为图片着色。 向他们展示如何折叠图片,以显示全家阅读圣经或祈祷。 谈论家庭对上帝的重要性以及服从父母的重要性。 对孩子在家里的具体情况保持敏感,并相应地调整您的评论。 提醒他们,服从是表达对上帝和父母的爱的一种方式。


Parents and kids pray together on the areas each of them needs Jesus’ help家长和孩子可以就各自需要耶稣帮助的方面进行祷告。

Activity 活动

Helping Hands: Allow each child to pick one sheet of construction paper in the color of his or her choice. Using crayons, have the children trace an outline of each hand on their paper. On the tip of each finger, the children may write the letters L-O-V-E and O-B-E-Y. Next, from old magazines, allow the children to cut out pictures of ways they can obey. The children can then glue one picture in each palm of their outlined hands. Other pictures may be glued around the edges of their construction paper. We show love for God and our parents by obeying
帮助的手:允许每个孩子按自己喜欢的颜色挑选一张手工纸。 用蜡笔让孩子在纸上画出每只手的轮廓。 孩子们可以在每个手指的尖上写下字母L-O-V-E和O-B-E-Y。 接下来,从旧杂志上,让孩子们剪裁自己可以服从的事情的图片。 然后,孩子们可以将他们剪下来的每张照片粘贴在手掌上。 其他图片可能会粘在其手工纸的边缘。 我们通过服从表达对上帝和父母的爱。

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