Burlington Missionary Baptist Church

Bible Story Sharing Time: Kids: Grade 3 and under
儿童圣经故事分享: 三年级及以下儿童

Date/日期: May 17, 2020


Subject/标题: Philip Tells An Ethiopian About Jesus

Bible Scripture/圣经经文: Acts 8:5-6. 26-37 / 使徒行傳8:5-6. 26-37

Bible Truth/圣经信息: Philip obeyed the Lord and told an Ethiopian about Jesus. 

Life Response Aim/ To remember ways God helps us and to thank Him. 
在我们生活中的实践: 要记住天父帮助我们的方法并感谢他。

Bible Verse/金句: 1 John 約翰一書4:15 
“if anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in them 
and they in God.” 
凡认耶稣为神儿子的, 神就住在他里面, 他也住在神里面


Parents sing song with their children请家长和孩子们一起唱这首歌, 歌词如下:

Peace In Christ

There is peace in Christ
When we learn of Him
Feel the love He felt for us
When He bore our sins
Listen to His words
Let them come alive
If we know Him as He is
There is peace in Christ
He give us hope
When hope is gone
He give us strength
When we can't go on
He give us shelter
In the storms of life
When there's no peace on earth
There is peace in Christ
There is peace in Christ
When we walk with him
Through the streets of Galilee to Jerusalem
Mend the broken hearts
Dry the tear-filled eyes
When we live the way He lives
There is peace in Christ
He give us hope
When hope is gone
He give us strength
When we can't go on
He give us shelter
In the storms of life
When there's no peace on earth
There is peace in Christ
He give us hope
When hope is gone
He give us strength
When we can't go on
He give us shelter
In the storms of life
When there's no peace on earth
There is peace in Christ
When there's no peace on earth
There is peace in Christ


Parents watch the video together with their kids请家长和孩子一起观看录像

We recommend parents ask and discuss with their kids on the following questions家长可以就下面的话题进行沟通,您也可以自己增减内容:

In this story, God’s angel told Philip to go to the roads leads to desert. How did Philip respond to God’s request? And did he ask why?

Did you ever share Bible stories you learned from Sunday School with your friends? Tell me your experiences; if not, which bible story will you share with your friends?

What can we do to help our Classmates, Neighbours or Friends to know about Jesus and His Love? 我们可以做什么来帮助我们的同学,邻居或朋友认识耶稣和他的爱?


This week perhaps you can tell one person that Jesus, God’s Son, is the Saviour. You can learn from the story of how Philip shared the wonderful news with his new friend about Jesus. You may share your good news with your Classmates, Neighbours or Friends who never go to church before. And we can repeat this every week.


Parents and kids pray together on the areas each of them needs Jesus’ help家长和孩子可以就各自需要耶稣帮助的方面进行祷告。

Craft 手工

“Seek For God” I Spy Bottle寻找神, 请参考录像
You will need 你会需要:
Water bottle 塑料水瓶
Some Rice/ Sand 一些米 或 沙
Small objects/ Small Rocks小物件 或 小石头 ( Draw with different pattern on rocks) (石头上画不同图案)

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