Burlington Missionary Baptist Church

Bible Story Sharing Time: Kids: Grade 3 and under
儿童圣经故事分享: 三年级及以下儿童

Date/日期: Mar. 21, 2021


Subject/标题: Jesus Takes Time for Children 耶稣花很多时间跟孩子们在一起

Bible Verse/圣经经文: Psalm 116:1/诗篇 116:1

Bible Truth/圣经信息: Jesus loves children and wants them to love Him too.

Life Response Aim/ To want to talk to Jesus in prayer because He is my friend and loves me.
经常向耶稣祷告,跟他说话, 因为他是我们的朋友,他爱我们。

Bible Verse/金句: I love the Lord, for he heard my voice; He heard my cry for mercy
我 爱 耶 和 华 , 因 为 他 听 了 我 的 声 音 和 我 的 恳 求 。


Let’s sing the song 我们一起来唱这首歌

My God is so big, so strong and so mighty
There's nothing my God cannot do
My God is so big, so strong and so mighty
There's nothing my God cannot do
He made the trees
He made the seas
He made the elephants too
My God is so big, so strong and so mighty
There's nothing my God cannot do
My God is so great, so strong and so mighty
There's nothing my God cannot do
My God is so great, so strong and so mighty
There's nothing my God cannot do
The mountains are His
The rivers are His
The skies are His handy works too
My God is so great, so strong and so mighty
There's nothing my God cannot do
There's nothing my God cannot do
There's nothing my God cannot do
For you


Parents read this story with their kids请家长和孩子一起

The boys and girls may have been listening to the grown-up people talk. “Have you heard about Jesus?” many people were asking each other. “He made a blind man see. He made a lame man walk.” “He loves everybody,” someone else probably said. “He is kind to everyone too!” “He tells wonderful stories about God!” another added.
Many boys and girls probably wished they could see Jesus and hear Him tell stories. But Jesus was too far away for them to go seeHim.
One day someone brought good news to the town. “Jesus is coming! He will be here tomorrow.” The children were probably very happy when their parents said they could go see Jesus! The next morning the children could hardly wait to go. They started down the road. At last they came to a large crowd of people. Jesus must be in the middle of all those people. Jesus was always being followed by many people. Some of the men standing near Jesus saw the parents and children coming, and stopped them. The men frowned and said, “Go away!” They thought that Jesus was too busy talking with some important people and didn’t have time for children. The children must have felt sad. Their families were disappointed too. They had wanted very much to talk to Jesus.

As the children turned away, they heard a kind voice saying, “Don’t send the children away! Let them
come to Me!” It was Jesus’ voice! Jesus had seen the men trying to send the children and their families away. But Jesus wanted to talk to the children. He wanted them to come to Him. The children and their parents must have felt very glad as they went to Jesus. All the other people who had been standing around stepped back to let the children come. Jesus opened His arms and welcomed all the children. He took up the little children in His arms. He put his hands on the heads of the older children. All the children knew Jesus loved them, and they loved Jesus too. He is their Friend, and our Friend too.

“你们听说那个消息了吗?耶 稣到我们镇上来了。” 消息像长了翅 膀,迅速传遍了整个小镇:“耶稣 来了。”每个人都想要见到祂。

母亲们听说耶稣来了,也很想 见到祂。她们希望耶稣可以祝福自 己的孩子。他们好容易走到了。可是耶稣 的身边已经围了很多人。他们站在 外围,努力想穿过人群挤进去见耶 稣。但 还是没有办法靠近耶稣。有人看到孩 子们,就摇头说:“快走开!难道 你们看不出夫子现在很忙?” 可是耶稣向孩子们招手,要他们 过去。耶稣说:“让小孩子到我这里来,不 要禁止他们。因为上帝的国度,属 于像这些小孩子的人。” 孩子们来到耶稣跟前,坐在祂身旁。耶稣花了很长的时间与他 们在一起,祂把孩子们抱过来坐在 腿上,并且祝福他们。祂愉快地和他们说话,因为祂 爱他们! 耶稣今天依旧很关心母亲和孩 子们。祂关心你和你的家人。耶稣 是我们最好的朋友。


Thank you Jesus for loving me

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