Burlington Missionary Baptist Church

Bible Story Sharing Time: Kids: Grade 3 and under
儿童圣经故事分享: 三年级及以下儿童

Date/日期: Nov 1. 2020


Subject/标题:			We Can Care for Others 我们可以关心照顾别人	 

Bible Truth/圣经信息:		God’s people care for one another. 上帝的子民互相关照

Life Response Aim/		To show Jesus our love by caring for others.
在我们生活中的实践:             关心周围的人让耶稣知道我们爱他

Bible Verse/金句:	“so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other.” 1 Corinthians 12:25
                             “免得身上分门别类,总要肢体彼此相顾。” 哥林多前书12:25


Parents sing song with their children请家长和孩子们一起唱 sing these words to the tune of “Mary had a little lamb”

Jesus is our Friend today,                                      	 Clap your hands and say, hooray,
Friend today, Friend today.                                      Say, hooray! Say, hooray!
Jesus is our Friend today,                                        	Clap your hands and say, hooray!
He cares for all of us.                                                 We can care for others.

Stomp your feet and say, hooray,                           Jump up and down and say, hooray,
Say, hooray! Say, hooray!                                         Say, hooray! Say, hooray!
Stomp your feet and say, hooray!                           Jump up and down and say, hooray!
We can care for others.                                             We can care for others.

Naaman was so very sad, 	There was a very hurt man, 	     There was a poor lame man,
Very sad, very sad. 		A hurt man, a hurt man. 	     Poor lame man, poor lame man.
Naaman was so very sad, 	There was a very hurt man, 	     There was a poor lame man
He could not get well. 		And no one would help. 	     Who begged for money.
He could not get well. 		One man walked right by him,      “We do not have silver,
He could not get well. 		And so did another. 		     And we do not have gold.
But God sent a girl, 		But along came a kind man,	      But in Jesus’ name you can walk.”
And Naaman got well. 		Who helped him get well. 	     And so the man did.


Today we are going to review the 3 stories we learned in the past several weeks.   

The first one is the story of Naaman.  第一个是大将军乃曼的故事 

Naaman was a great captain. He had lots of money, many horses, and lots of good food. Was Naaman happy? No, Naaman was sad.  He had sores all over him. He couldn’t get well. No one could help him.  Do you remember who helped him? A little girl told Captain Naaman’s wife about a man of God.  The man of God was named Elisha. Elisha told Naaman that the only way to be made well was to go to the Jordan River. He told Naaman to dunk under the water seven times and he would be made well. Did Naaman want to do that? No, not at first, but his men said, “At least try!”  Naaman went under the dirty water how many times? That’s right, seven times! How did Naaman look then? He was all well. God had healed his sores. I’m sure Captain Naaman was glad the little girl told him about the man of God.

乃曼是个大将军,他非常富有,有很多钱,很多马,每天都有丰盛的食物,但是他开心吗?不,他并不开心。他在忍受病痛的折磨,没有人能治好他的病。记不记得是谁帮了他呢? 一个小女孩跟乃曼的妻子说上帝的先知以利沙可以帮助他,以利沙告诉乃曼只有一个办法 - 去约旦河里洗七次澡。 乃曼虽然不想去, 但还是听从了建议去试一试。 他在满是污泥的脏水里洗了七次,奇迹发生了,乃曼完全好了! 上帝治好了他的病!乃曼一定非常感谢这个小女孩,因为她的帮助乃曼找到了以利沙, 最后才治好了他的病。

We had a story about a man who had been hurt by bad men. He couldn’t help himself. He was lying in the road and people just kept going by. No one would help him. Finally, a man on a donkey stopped and cleaned his hurts. He put cloths on his cuts and took him to a house that was like a motel. He paid for the hurt man to stay there.

Peter and John helped a man who couldn’t walk. The poor man sat by a gate all day long. He had to ask people to give him money because he couldn’t work. Peter told the man to look at him. The man thought Peter would give him money. Did Peter give him money?  No! Peter just said, “In the name of Jesus, get up and walk.” The man began to walk, and jump, and run! Then the man began to thank God. Do you think the man used his legs to help others now that he could walk? 

最后一个故事还记得吗? 是彼得和约翰看见一个不能走路的残疾人,这个人整日坐在门口乞求别人可怜可怜他给他些钱。彼得让这个人看着他,他并没有给这个瘸腿的人钱,彼得对着这个人说“奉基督耶稣的名,你站起来走走。“ 这个人就站起来了可以走路了,他还可以蹦可以跳!这个人就开始不住地称颂上帝,感谢上帝帮助了他。你们觉得这人能够走路后也会去帮助别人吗?我相信一定会的!


There are so many things we can do to help others,  think about what you can do to help others?

让我们一起开动脑筋想一想我们可以做哪些事情帮助到周围的 人呢?


Dear God, thank you for the people who are there to love and support me. Please help me to open my eyes to see the needs of people around me, I will try my best to help others as you did. In Jesus name we pray, Amen!

亲爱的上帝,感谢你,有那么多的人在我身边爱我照顾我。我也愿意帮助我身边的 人,请你赐我能力。奉耶稣基督的 名求, 阿门!

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