Burlington Missionary Baptist Church

Bible Story Sharing Time: Kids: Grade 3 and under
儿童圣经故事分享: 三年级及以下儿童

Date/日期: May 3, 2020


Subject/标题: We want to love Jesus 我们想爱耶稣

Bible Verse/圣经经文: Hebrews/希伯来书 13:6

Bible Truth/圣经信息: Jesus showed love and care for people.

Life Response Aim/ To be aware of Jesus’ love for us and to love Him in return.
在我们生活中的实践: 意识到耶稣的爱并以爱他作回报

Bible Verse/金句: “So we can confidently say, “The Lord is my helper, I will not fear, what can man do to me?” 所以我们可以放胆说:“主是帮助我的,我必不惧怕, 人能把我怎么样呢?” 希伯来书13:6


Parents sing song with their children请家长和孩子们一起唱Oh How I love Jesus, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pi_7Ig0fcac 歌词如下:

There is a name I love to hear
I love to sing its worth
It sounds like music in my ear
The sweetest name on earth

Oh, how I love Jesus
Oh, how I love Jesus
Oh, how I love Jesus
Because He first loved me


⦁ This is a review session. Parents may review the following stories with children

⦁ Lesson One—Jesus Helps a Sick Man – the sick man forgiven and healed
第一课 – 耶稣帮助生病的人
Mark / 马可福音2:1-5, 10-12 
The sick man forgiven and healed. 
⦁ Lesson Two—Jesus, Friend of Children
第二课 – 耶稣, 孩子们的朋友
Matthew / 马太福音19:13-15
⦁ Lesson Three—Jesus Walks on the Water
第三课 耶稣在水面上行走
Matthew / 马太福音14:22-33
⦁ Lesson Four—Jesus Tells of God’s Care
第四课 耶稣讲述神的关爱
Matthew / 马太福音 5:1-2, 6:24-34
⦁ Lesson Seven—Breakfast on the Shore
第五课 湖边的早餐
John/ 约翰福音21:1-4


Jesus loves people. He helps sick men, be friend with children, provides food for his disciples. We want to love him too. How to show our love? 耶稣爱世人。他帮助生病的人,做孩子们的朋友,给门徒提供食物。我们也爱耶稣,如何表达我们的爱呢?

Next Sunday will be Mother’s Day. Children can make a card or cards for Mom to show their love. 
Do not forget taking pictures of the card and when Mom receive the card. Then send pictures to Huang, Shicheng’s email address shichenghuang2014@hotmail.com 


Parents and kids pray together on the areas each of them needs Jesus’ help家长和孩子可以就各自需要耶稣帮助的方面进行祷告。

Mother’s Day Card 母亲节卡

Please select one from the following or make their own. 下面是几张卡可以做参考。

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